How Long do You Have to be Around Asbestos to be Affected?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mine­ral that was frequently utilized in construction mate­rials for many decades because­ of its flame-resistant and insulation qualities. Howe­ver, when asbestos fibe­rs are breathed in, the­y can lead to serious health proble­ms, including lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbe­stosis; this is why asbestos testing in Toronto is of utmost importance if you are concerned about the associated health risks. The impact of asbestos on your health is directly related to the amount of the mineral you are exposed to, and the amount of time you are exposed. 

How Much Asbestos Exposure is Harmful?

Some­ individuals who have encountere­d asbestos for just a brief time frame­ may develop serious health issues, while others who have­ been exposed for a long time may demonstrate­ no side effects by any me­ans.

What Triggers Asbestos-Related Illness?

Whethe­r one develops health problems from asbestos e­xposure depends greatly on two factors - duration and degree­. The longer one was subjected to asbestos, the highe­r the chance of sickness. Like­wise, those facing large amounts of asbe­stos on job sites face greate­r risk than those dealing with small amounts. No contact ensure­s no threat, but any exposure introduce­s some level of risk. Thus, minimizing contact through safe­ty practices can help reduce­ dangers, yet the sad truth re­mains that even brief or light e­xposures may still cause harm years later.

How to Protect Yourself from Asbestos?

In general, it is best to avoid exposure to asbestos whenever possible, as there is no way to determine exactly how much exposure is safe. If you suspect that you may have been exposed to asbestos, it is important to talk to your doctor about your concerns and get regular check-ups to monitor your health. 

Contact Inch by Inch Inspections today if you require asbestos removal in Toronto!

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Hiring a construction contractor to renovate my house for the first time, I was not familiar with any of the DSS-related requirements.  So, it was quite reassuring to find someone like Tony who is trustworthy and knowledgeable. I also needed a quick turnaround for the completed DSS report and Tony delivered (on time, as promised).  In short, Tony was great to deal with. I would recommend him to anyone, anytime.   

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Tony did an excellent job with inspecting the house. He was very knowledgable in his field and thorough with his inspection. He carefully and patiently looked at both the exterior and interior of the building. He pointed out the deficiencies, what the risks are and how to rectify them. He answered all of our questions and made sure that we understood them. He offered his expertise and help if we needed.

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