Understanding Asbestos Laws and Regulations

Asbestos used to be known as a useful fibrous material that was meant to strengthen, insulate, and fireproof materials. Now it is renowned for being extremely toxic and causing a multitude of debilitating diseases. Over the years, there has been a multitude of research conducted on asbestos, and the general conclusion was that it was no longer safe to use, leading to its use being banned in many places around the world. 

One major issue is that older buildings today may still have asbestos in their structure. This is why the provincial and federal governments have implemented many laws and regulations in regard to asbestos. It is now illegal to use asbestos in buildings, and building owners are not legally required to remove asbestos promptly after it has been detected. Being able to navigate these regulations is prudent for home and building owners, as you need to be able to understand your responsibilities when it comes to asbestos in your property. Regardless of where asbestos is lurking, quick removal is key. This is why the experts at Inch by Inch Inspections offer designated substance survey services and asbestos removal in Toronto. We know all of the appropriate procedures to take to ensure that asbestos is removed safely and efficiently.

To learn more about the laws and regulations surrounding asbestos, continue reading!

Risks of Asbestos

asbestos removal in torontoAsbestos is a fibrous material, and these fibres are fragile and can break easily leading to them contaminating the air below. When this air is breathed in, asbestos fibres can get trapped in the lungs and can cause respiratory problems and diseases. The three major diseases that asbestos exposure is know to cause are lung cancer, asbestosis, mesothilioma and other cancers and respiratory illnesses. 

  • Lung Cancer: Being exposed to asbestos can result in small particiles getting trapped inside the lungs. When this happens cellular damage can occur, resulting in the growth of cancerous cells. This risk is especially elevated for those who smoke as well. 
  • Asbestosis: Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease that is the result of consistent exposure to asbestos particles. When asbestos particles enter the lungs, they can cause inflammation and scarring in the surrounding lung tissue. Some of the symptoms of asbestosis are shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness. Asbestosis can get worse over the course of your life and can ruin the quality of life of those who have it. 
  • Mesothelioma: Mesothelioma is an aggressive and rare form of cancer that occurs in the thin layer (mesothelium) of your internal organs. The widest known cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. This is why it is so prudent to ensure that your buildings are asbestos-free, as they can cause some of the worst forms of cancer to exist. 

Overall the health risks of asbestos exposure is the main reason why the government of Ontario and Canada have created many rules, regulations, and laws surrounding asbestos. The hope is that these laws will help keep citizens safe from the dangers of asbestos exposure. 

Ontario’s Regulations

The government of Ontario has meticulous laws and regulations when it comes to asbestos detection and removal. Building owners hold a lot of responsibility when it comes to ensuring that their spaces are healthy and free of asbestos. The responsibilities of employers and workers are listed under Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act regarding asbestos. Section 8 of this Act outlines the two most crucial subsections that relate to asbestos are listed below:

These two subsections declare that the owners of buildings are responsible for asbestos testing and removal in order to ensure the safety of building occupants. If you require asbestos removal or testing, contact Inch by Inch Inspections as soon as possible!

Calling in the Experts ASAP

It is clear that the effects of asbestos are extremely harmful, making it a widely illegal substance. The fibrous nature of asbestos makes it prone to breakage, and this results in asbestos particles filling the surrounding air. When inhaled by humans, asbestos can cause severe diseases, including cancers and mesothelioma. In order to reduce illness among its citizens, the Ontario Government has put forth regulations that hold building owners responsible for testing for and removing asbestos. If you are a building owner who notices any suspicious substance falling from your ceilings or if you own an older building, do not be hesitant to call in professionals to conduct a designated substance survey. Inch by Inch conducts asbestos testing and asbestos removal in Toronto to keep your building and its patrons safe. Contact Inch by Inch Inspections today!


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