The Difference Between Asbestos Testing and Designated Substance Surveys

Any property owner or manager must ensure that a building is free from dangerous substances. You may be supervising a renovation, a demolition, or even just day-to-day operations. The bottom line is that knowing the difference between asbestos testing in Toronto and a designated substance survey is highly important. These two services often go hand in hand with each other, but they do serve distinct purposes. Below, we dive into the difference between asbestos testing and designated substance surveys to determine what each is for and why either is important to the health and safety of your property. If you believe your property has been affected by asbestos or other harmful substances, contact Inch by Inch Inspections today for accurate testing services.

What Is Asbestos Testing?

The Difference Between Asbestos Testing and Designated Substance SurveysAsbestos testing is one of the most important processes that can easily determine whether a building has asbestos in its materials. Asbestos, technically a group of six different naturally occurring fibrous minerals, was once extremely used in construction because of its great strength and resistance to heat. However, during the disturbance of asbestos-containing materials, like during renovations or demolitions, tiny fibers may be released into the air, leading to serious health issues which include lung disease and cancer.

Asbestos testing in Toronto is rather important, especially in older buildings, since Toronto is a very historical city where many structures predate the banning of asbestos use. Before any renovations, demolitions, or construction, asbestos testing should be done to ensure that no harmful materials are released into the air. Sampling for testing in suspected asbestos-containing materials like insulation, flooring, roofing, and wall finishes is collected for subsequent laboratory analysis to confirm the presence or absence of asbestos.

Asbestos testing has become relevant in a number of building renovations, particularly for buildings built a long time ago, such as those built before the 1990s. For this reason, in Toronto, there are stringent requirements found regarding asbestos management; hence, it would be very important to know when or whether there is a requirement for asbestos testing to avoid being charged as well as to ensure the safety of the people involved.

What is a Designated Substance Survey?

Where asbestos testing is a target analysis to find asbestos, a designated substance survey is larger and broader, which identifies the presence of various hazardous materials, not just asbestos. There are 11 recognized designated substances in Ontario that may be hazardous to health, such as lead, mercury, silica, and benzene, in addition to asbestos.

Many construction, demolition, or renovation projects are considered complete only upon the carrying out of a designated substance survey to warrant the safety of both workers and occupants. This is an all-inclusive survey that tries to eliminate cases of exposure to such substances that can either be harmful when inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. It will determine materials throughout the building and ascertain whether any of the designated substances found on site are in unsafe amounts or not.

Key Differences between Asbestos Testing and Designated Substance Surveys

The biggest difference when comparing asbestos testing to a designated substance survey is the scope and purpose. Asbestos testing represents a specialized service, undertaken for the explicit purpose of finding asbestos in building materials. Typically, this is offered in situations where reasonable expectations may be ascertained, which often involves older buildings.

On the other hand, a designated substance survey is much more extensive. It looks for asbestos, as well as other hazardous substances so that all possible risks can be identified before construction gets underway. These kinds of surveys are required under Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act when a project involves exposure to hazardous materials.

Another important distinction exists in the various regulatory obligations. While asbestos testing is often needed in specific conditions, especially in older structures, a designated substance survey is the broad legal requirement for most projects. Non-compliance with a designated substance survey may result in significant fines, in addition to putting both workers and occupants at risk.

Substance Testing In Toronto with Inch By Inch Inspections

Asbestos testing and designated substance surveys both offer a necessary look at ensuring that a building is free of hazardous materials. While asbestos testing focuses its search for asbestos, designated substance surveys take a deeper look into multiple hazardous materials. Knowing when to use each service helps you stay compliant with regulations and keep your property safe. This will ensure, for anyone in Toronto undertaking either a construction, renovation, or demolition project, an environment that is both safe and healthy.

Whether you are seeking asbestos testing in Toronto or a designated substance survey, take the first step in safety and health protection for your building's occupants by contacting Inch by Inch Inspections.

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